The increasing number of coronavirus cases have created a situation of panic amongst everyone. The markets are already out of stock for masks and sanitizers, as people are crazily stocking upon them. While it is good to take precaution but did you know that fear is the fastest and the most effective way to decrease your immunity. So, take all the precautions you feel will help you stay safe but you need to be able to feel fearless at the end of the day.

Despite eating well, washing your hands frequently, sleeping properly, are you in a constant state of panic and fear about catching the virus? Well, you are doing nothing but inviting the infection upon yourself. Fear is one thing that can lower your immunity and make you susceptible to the deadly virus.


The immune system is the body's defense against infections. The immune (ih-MYOON) system attacks germs and helps keep us healthy.
Immune system is a collection of billions of cells that travel through the bloodstream. These cells move in and out of the tissues and organs, defending your body against foreign bodies, like bacteria, viruses and cancerous cells. A healthy immune system reduces your chance of viral infection and flu. With these natural ways to boost the immune system, you can achieve a healthy immune system.
During the Flu or viral season, many of your mates might get sick but some would stand tall even when everyone in their home is sick with the flu. Have you ever wondered, how some people get sick very often and some are more prone to catching cold or viral infection? It’s all about the body’s immune system. The immune system is the first line of defense of our body against an alien microorganism entering the body. Stronger your immune system, lesser would be the chance of you falling ill. But then again, having a strong immune system doesn’t make you invincible.
With little change in your diet and routine, you can ensure that your immune system is strong enough to protect you against the virus infection. From sleeping for 8 hours to walking in the sun to eating a balanced diet, the ways are simple but they can really be helpful if followed. Follow them and witness the change in your body’s strength to fight illness.


B cells: These produce antibodies that are released into the fluid surrounding the body's cells to destroy the invading bacteria and viruses.

T cells: They see the picture, opposite. If the invader gets inside a cell, these cells lock on to the infected cell, multiply and destroy it.


The stress hormones, the corticosteroid, can suppress the effectiveness of the immune system (lowers the number of lymphocytes). The suppressed immune system as we know is the easiest way to fall sick. Not just this, stress can also have an indirect effect on the immune system as many people use unhealthy behavioural coping strategies to reduce their stress, such as drinking and smoking.

Stress is linked to headaches, infections (flu), cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma and gastric ulcers. It also affects the immune system by raising the blood pressure. Eating sugar and ultra-processed foods can increase inflammation and suppress your immune function. So, take all the necessary precautions and do not panic.

Thus following lifestyle changes are highly recommended to boost your immunity.


Chronic stress suppresses the immune response of the body by releasing the hormone cortisol. Cortisol interferes with the T-cells(a specific white blood cell) to reproduce and receive signals from the body. Cortisol also reduces the antibody secretory IgA, which lines the gut and respiratory tract, which are our first line of defense against pathogens. To keep your stress in check, practice yoga, meditation or deep breathing in your regular routine. When we're stressed out our body produces stress hormones which tax the immune system. So one of the most important ways to boost immunity is to reduce stress. To reduce stress, it's key to ensure you have work life balance, take breaks when you need them (both short "water-cooler" breaks and longer vacations), and to employ some calming or relaxing stress-reduction techniques. And if you're already feeling really stressed out taking adrenal support supplements can be helpful.



Toxins can be devastating for the immune system. For example, mycotoxins from mold are notorious for destroying immunity. Many other toxins seem to have detrimental impact on immunity as well. So try to minimize exposure to chlorinated drinking water, pesticides, aromatic hydrocarbons heavy metals, air pollution, and food additives. Liver detoxification is essential to reduce toxins burden on our body.
The saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” can actually be true as consumption of vitamins can boost your immune system. Vitamin A, B6, C, D and E can help increase the strength of the immune system. Vitamin C is the biggest booster of all and lack of it can cause several diseases including Scurvy. You can get Vitamin C from citrus fruits like Orange, Grapefruit, Spinach and Strawberries. You can take multivitamin supplements from your doctor; however, natural intake through food is the best way.
4.          TRY COLOSTRUM
Colostrum is the referred to the first milk from nursing mammals. The advantage of being breastfed is the intake of protective antibodies you get from your mother. These antibodies help you fight through early years of your life. These antibodies are the reason that the breastfed children are healthier and have less risk of catching a cold or allergies. We can harness the antibodies of first milk even when we are adult. In powder form, obtained from cows, goats and other mammals, these antibodies can be mixed with water, juice and shakes.
Vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts are loaded with nutrients that are essential for our immune system. Consuming them on a daily basis boosts the immunity. For healthy liver, cruciferous vegetables like Kale, Broccoli and Cabbage should be included in daily diet. Healthy liver ensures the body’s’ natural detoxification process.

Herbs like AHCC, Echinacea, Elderberry, Andrographis and Astragalus can help reduce the duration and severity of illness. On top of that, using vitamin and mineral supplements provide the necessary nutrients for a strong immune system.



Exercise can be one of the best things to do to boost immunity. But we have to be careful because too much excercise is stressful on the body and can be tough on our immune system. So just keep the other tips in mind: Keep stress low, and if you're tired, then rest.
Working out on a regular basis has been scientifically proven to boost the immune system. Regular exercise mobilises the T cells, a type of white blood cell which guards the body against infection. However, continuous rigorous workout weakens the immune system, leaving you prone to flu and viral infections.



Lack of sleep can cause the inflammatory immune response to activate, reducing the activity of T cells in the body. This can weaken your immune system and response to vaccines. Try to sleep for 7–8 hours and avoid having an all-nighter. If you happen to be travelling in different time zones on a regular basis, consume 2–3mg of Melatonin to reset the circadian rhythm. By not sleeping enough, we increase stress and hurt our immunity. If we're drinking caffeinated drinks all the time we may not even realize just how tired we really are. Because sleeping is important to rebuilding a struggling immune system, we need to let ourselves sleep as much as we need.
Mushroom are nature’s way of breaking down the organic matters to convert it into fertile soil. One of the healthiest food on the planet, mushrooms are rich in essential nutrients and minerals. Some of the mushrooms that are really good for immune systems are — A Turkey tail mushroom, Maitake and Shiitake Mushrooms, Tremella Mushrooms.
Stop the habit of smoking because not only does it increases the risk of cancer but it also impairs the immune system. Smoking is said to have a negative impact on both adaptive and innate immunity. It can also increase the chances of developing harmful pathogenic immune responses and smoking also reduces the effectiveness of your immune system’s defenses. However, if you still wish to continue, there are alternatives like the use of nicotine patches or electronic cigarettes which help to quit smoking and less harmful.
Stepping out in the natural light is one of the major contributors to the production of Vitamin D in our body. Vitamin D is essential for healthy functioning of the immune system as it helps the body to produce antibodies. Low level of Vitamin D in the body has been termed as one of the major reasons for respiratory problems. A brisk walk in the sunlight for 10–15 minutes will ensure that enough Vitamin D is produced in the body.
With these little efforts and tweaks in your daily routine, you can ensure a healthy immune system. A healthy body is not just about being healthy from the outside but also ensuring a stronger immunity and these 11 natural ways to boost your immune system can help you achieve the goal of a healthy body. These steps would reduce the toxins in the body and would provide the needed nutrients which are essential for your health. Keeping a check on the immune system is not only going to keep you safe from getting sick but it will also help you prevent diseases like cancer in the latter half of your life. Also, these natural ways can help you age gracefully.


To support your immune system, you can eat immunity supporting foods like citrus fruits, garlic, broccoli, and spinach. If your immune system is already weak, it can also be helpful to supplement with key vitamins and minerals that may have become depleted like Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, and Zinc. Most effective way to get high doses of Vitain C, Vitamin B and Zinc is intravenously (IV).


Sugar, processed meat, vegetable oils, and alcohol tend to be inflammatory foods so they busy the immune system, leaving other problems in your body unaddressed. That's why it can be really helpful to remove these inflammatory foods if we want a healthy immune system. 

Some of the best ways to boost immunity for women are as follows:
  • Limit alcohol, it suppresses the functioning of immunity when consumed in excess.
  • Avoid processed, microwaved and canned foods as they are very difficult to digest due to preservatives.
  • Use more turmeric, black pepper, cumin, and coriander as they boost functioning of immune system.
  • Sip on hot water or fresh ginger tea throughout the day to boost the digestion.
  • Eat lots of salads and leafy vegetables to get your vitamin A,C and B6, folic acid, iron etc
  • Sleep well no matter what. 7 hours at least
  • Eat food on fixed timings every day and fixed intervals. Give yourself priority.
  • 30-40 minutes of physical activity, may be simple walking is a must along with spending 20 min in sunlight for the daily dose of vitamin D.
  • Hygiene should not ignored be, washing hands to vaginal cleaning. It’s basic and must.

By taking these actions, we can help prevent ourselves and our loved ones from suffering significantly from the coronavirus.

   Dr. Suchi Gupta's Gynae Clinic 

(Gynaecologist in Gaur City, Greater Noida West, Noida Extension)
Shop No 130, FF, Gaur City Plaza Market, West, Gaur City 1 Rd, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301


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